Download Investment Tracker With ROI Excel Template - ExcelDataPro (2024)

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Investment Tracker is a ready-to-use excel template that helps you plan and track along with ROI (Return On Investment) your investment over a period of 10 years.

Insert your wealth creation goal. Define spending proportion. Do this every month for 5 or 10 years depending on your goal. Insert your yearly return from the investment.

The template will automatically calculate the accumulated wealth at the end of each year, 5 years and 10 years.

It is always advisable to opt for wealth creation at the start of your career. With the proper allocation to savings and feasible spending habits, you can accumulate a good amount of wealth.

Furthermore, it can help you plan your retirement at an early age.

This template is designed to plan your investments from savings on a monthly basis for 10 years. Allocate a specific amount to spend for needs and wants from your salary and invest the rest to accumulate wealth.

Table of Contents

Investment Tracker Excel Template

We have created a simple and easy Investment Tracker Excel Template with predefined formulas and formating. Track your investment on a monthly and yearly basis.

Additionally, the template displays the ROI percentage for each year individually. Furthermore, it also displays the accumulated amount of money at the end of 5 years and 10 years against your defined goal.

Click here to download the Investment Tracker Excel Template.

Click here to Download All Personal Finance Excel Templates for ₹299.

In addition to the above, you can also download other personal finance templates like Savings Goal Tracker, Household Budget,Credit Card Payoff CalculatorandPersonal Income Expense Trackerfrom our website.

Let us discuss the contents of the template and how to use it.

Contents of Investment Tracker Excel Template

This template consists of 7 sheets: Investment Planner (2 Sheets), Investment Tracker (3 Sheets) and Summary (2 Sheets)

Investment Planner

The investment planner consists of your basic information about your current salary, age, anticipated retirement age, and your investment target.

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Insert your current salary, current age and the age when you plan to retire along with your desired amount you want to have at the time of retirement. It will automatically calculate the difference of years from current age to retirement age.

Furthermore, it consists of the bifurcation of expenses. It includes a percentage of your income to be allocated to your needs and wants. Whereas the rest is your saving that you invest over the period of the next 5 years.

The template displays these amounts in both percentages and figures.Additionally, it displays the bifurcation of your income and expenses in graphical form.

There is one more sheet in the template which is similar to this sheet. This sheet will be used once you successfully complete 5 years.

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All the columns are the same except the balance carry forward. Most of the data is auto-filled from the first 5 years.

Investment Tracker

There are a total of 3 sheets in this format. The first one is for 5 years whereas the second and third are for 3 years each.

This sheet consists of 5 similar yearly sections. Each section displays monthly income and monthly savings for a complete year (Jan-Dec).

Insert the annual return that you receive every year on your investment. It will automatically calculate the ROI automatically for you.

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If you have made any withdrawals then enter them in the withdrawal cell that will decrease your net savings amount.

In the first year, there is no balance carried forward cell. The remaining 4 years has it, where the balance at the end of each year will be carried forward to the preceding year.

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Furthermore, it also displays the income vs savings graph for each year. It displays the amount of your total income and total savings in that particular year.

Once you successfully complete 5 years span investing, monitoring and tracking your investment, you need to follow the same until you achieve your wealth goal.

Divide preceding 6 years into 2. Each sheet has 3 years of investment records.


The summary sheet consists of an overview of monetary activities for all 5 years. It includes your total income received, amounts spent on basic needs and wants, the amount of savings made and invested along with its ROI.

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Additionally, this sheet also displays the graph of ROI that you earn each year on your investment. This can help you know which year or which type of investment gave you better returns.

At the end of 10 years, there is another summary sheet that displays the for another 5 years and the amount accumulated during all these 10-11 years depending on your goal.

Investment Tips For Maximum Returns

Here are some useful tips that will help you maximize returns on your investment.

  1. Define your goal.
  2. Spend on needs rather than wants.
  3. Keep yourself Debt Free. If you have any debt pay off in first priority.
  4. Invest in retirement accounts.
  5. Invest in Stocks/Equity markets.
  6. At the initial level, if you don’t have the amount to invest in stocks/equity then pile up amount using mutual funds or Systematic Investment Plans(SIP).
  7. Once you have a feasible amount of money in hand, be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.
  8. Keep a long term vision on return, never keep it short term.
  9. Be consistent and don’t invest without studying the business of the company.
  10. Don’t invest in companies that have high debts.

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If you have any queries please share in the comment section below. We will be more than happy to assist you.

As an investment expert with a wealth of experience in financial planning and tracking, I can attest to the significance of using tools like the Investment Tracker Excel Template for effective wealth management. Having worked with various investment strategies and witnessed the impact of proper planning, I understand the importance of disciplined financial habits.

Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article about the Investment Tracker Excel Template:

  1. ROI (Return On Investment):

    • The article emphasizes tracking ROI over a 10-year period.
    • The template calculates ROI percentage for each year individually.
  2. Wealth Creation and Allocation:

    • It advises opting for wealth creation early in one's career.
    • Recommends proper allocation to savings and feasible spending habits for accumulating wealth.
  3. Retirement Planning:

    • The template is designed to help plan for retirement at an early age.
    • Investment Planner includes information about anticipated retirement age and desired retirement amount.
  4. Monthly Investment Planning:

    • The Investment Tracker Excel Template facilitates planning investments on a monthly basis for 10 years.
    • It suggests allocating a specific amount for needs and wants, investing the rest.
  5. Template Structure:

    • The template consists of 7 sheets: Investment Planner (2 Sheets), Investment Tracker (3 Sheets), and Summary (2 Sheets).
    • Investment Planner includes basic information, bifurcation of expenses, and graphical representation.
    • Investment Tracker has sheets for 5 years and 3 years, displaying monthly income, savings, ROI, and graphical representation.
  6. Summary Sheets:

    • The Summary sheet provides an overview of monetary activities for all 5 years, including income, expenses, savings, and ROI.
    • There's a summary sheet at the end of 10 years, displaying the amount accumulated during the entire period.
  7. Investment Tips:

    • The article offers useful tips for maximizing returns, such as defining goals, spending on needs, keeping debt-free, and investing in retirement accounts and stocks.
    • Long-term vision, consistency, and studying the business of a company are highlighted as important aspects of successful investment.

Overall, the Investment Tracker Excel Template and the accompanying article provide a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to plan, track, and maximize returns on their investments over an extended period. If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Download Investment Tracker With ROI Excel Template - ExcelDataPro (2024)
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