Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (2024)

A 68-year-old company has been forced to close after complaints from neighbours about “foul” and “nauseating” odours from its premises.

The family business, called AJ Bush and Sons, had collected red meat waste from butchers across Sydney, which was processed to be used in products like pet food, fertiliser and renewable fuels.

Red meat waste can be difficult to deal with as it can’t be sold or disposed of in landfill due to the risk of hazardous bacteria.

Community complaints were made to the NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), while a petition was also launched urging the company to “contain the offensive odours or relocate”.

“Unfortunately, many residents regularly endure a noxious odour allegedly emanating from AJ Bush & Sons Meat Rendering facility,” the petition said.

“This odour has been described as “foul, nauseating, offensive, pungent, and unbearable,” often likened to “cooking dog food,” and associated with “rotten meat, effluent, sewer, and manure”.

“Our community has endured the distressing odour from AJ Bush & Sons, coupled with the alleged breaches documented on the EPA website. Therefore, we earnestly request that they urgently upgrade the facility to contain odours within their boundaries or consider relocating to a more suitable location,” the petition launched last year read.

Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (1)

The factory used to be surrounded by farmland but in recent years, the Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment has released land in the surrounding suburbs closer to the facility with houses being built increasingly closer to the factory.

A surprise inspection of AJ Bush and Sons’ Riverstone factory was conducted by the EPA in September last year after a number of community complaints.

It followed a routine odour survey by EPA officers of the north western Sydney suburbs of Riverstone, Rouse Hill, and Grantham Farm, where odours suspected to have originated from activities at AJ Bush and Sons’ Riverstone factory premises were detected, the EPA said.

“EPA officers identified several areas where spills or leaks from equipment had occurred which required immediate attention,” the EPA added in a statement.

The inspection uncovered alleged breaches of the company’s Environment Protection Licence and the company copped a $15,000 fine.

AJ Bush & Sons was established in 1956 and business had been booming with around 1000 collections of red meat waste made free of charge from butchers in Sydney.

It diverted over 250,000 tonnes of primary material such as fat, bone, animal offal, poultry offal and bone, feathers and blood every year with its collections.

Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (2)

But after the EPA inspection, the company suspended its collection services for a period announcing it faced “unprecedented challenges” before starting up again in December last year.

“Since the temporary pause in production last November, Bush’s Proteins have implemented

several significant updates and improvements at the Riverstone Plant,” they told the community in January.

“These include a comprehensive deep clean of the whole production line, the upgrade of the biofilters, and a number of major improvements to the wastewater management system.”

However, the business became impossible to operate and in April AJ Bush and Sons announced it had made the “difficult decision” to wind down its operations.

Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (3)

At the time head of rendering at the plant’s operating company Bush’s Proteins, Cameron Bush, said a build-up of residential development and the planned Stage 3 release of land in the area for more housing made it impossible to remain.

“It’s a difficult decision as our plant has been a part of the Riverstone community since the

1950s, but Riverstone is no longer a semirural fringe suburb,” he said.

Mr Bush told the ABC the company had invested a lot of money into odour control and had also investigated changing its practices.

“We committed … to find[ing] alternative methods [of] collection and handling. We went through that process and unfortunately, we could not make any value stack up,” Mr Bush said.

“We were losing about $100,000 a week.”

Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (4)

The business initially began as a retail and wholesale butcher in 1909 before expanding into the manufacturing industry in 1956.

On its website AJ Bush and Son’s said their factories were part of Australia’s largest service rendering business, processing both red meat and poultry by-products in NSW and Queensland.

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The Rouse Hill facility had previously installed covered anaerobic ponds to capture bio-gas, a first in Australia, and converted all coal-fired boilers to natural and biogas co-firing resulting in a cleaner alternative saving over 20,000 tonnes per annum of CO2 equivalent.

But now its manufacturing plant has been shuttered.

It ceased collection, aggregation, processing and rendering of meat offcuts and other by-products from small meat processors at its Riverstone site at the end of May, while its processing equipment was decommissioned and moved.

Company shut over ‘foul’ odour complaints (2024)


Can you sue for smell? ›

Indecent or Offensive to the Senses

The nuisance does not have to be harmful or dangerous. For example, even if a smell is not a danger to health, noxious of offensive smells may prevent a property owner from enjoying the use of their property.

How do you address an employee with bad body odor? ›

Be honest and kind but also be direct, don't try and tackle the problem by means of well intended hints. Ask them what may be causing the odour and how you can help. Take notes—you may need them if you need to handle the situation formally.

Can you be fired for bad body odor? ›

If your body odor is related to a medical condition, it's possible that your termination could be considered discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Employers are required to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities unless it would cause undue hardship for the employer.

Can you complain about someone smelling bad at work? ›

Gently pointing out the strong odor and asking for a response from the employee is critical. If appropriate, HR or the manager should reference the company's dress and grooming policy and the negative effect on the employee's contributions can be discussed.

What is odor discrimination? ›

Although the term olfactory discrimination also includes the discrimination of different intensities of the same odor, it most generally refers to qualitative discriminations among different odors. There is a vast number of odor-producing chemicals.

Is body odor a discrimination? ›

These problems can come from poor personal hygiene, bad breath, or obesity. There may also be an ethnic angle such as diet which can cause the body to emit odors. A national origin discrimination claim may result if the employee is unjustly disciplined.

How do you say bad smell professionally? ›

  1. corrupt.
  2. disgusting.
  3. moldy.
  4. noxious.
  5. overripe.
  6. putrid.
  7. rancid.
  8. rotting.

How do you tell someone they smell bad professionally? ›

One approach is to say something along the lines of "I want to let you know that your deodorant isn't working. You may want to try another brand," Lindeman said. "This way, the speaker comes across as presuming the person already takes steps to deal with body odor but lets them know they need to try something else."

How to deal with an employee with bad personal hygiene? ›

The best way to deal with personal hygiene issues at work is to politely and professionally raise the issue with the member of staff. Handle it discreetly, arranging a meeting with the employee.

What is severe body odor called? ›

Body odour (bromhidrosis)

Can you get disability for body odor? ›

By itself, excessive body odor is not generally considered a disability under the ADA. However, if employees tell you the odor is a symptom of a serious health condition, you should follow your normal ADA procedures.

What is considered an offensive odor? ›

4.13. A | An offensive odor is any odor, or aroma, of such intensity that it becomes apparent and is offensive to others. Any odor can become offensive when it is too strong. Some examples are: perfume, air freshening spray, or large amounts of dirty laundry.

How to address bad breath in the workplace? ›

Speak to your colleague without anyone else around to overhear the conversation. If your colleague trusts that you are being sincere it is likely they will listen to your feedback and it will have the desired effect. Being subtle by offering a mint or a piece of gum may be missed as a reflection on their breath.

Is it OK to tell an employee they smell? ›

Initial conversation

The employer should first discuss the issue informally with the employee. It is absolutely imperative this is done sensitively, being empathetic to the employee's feelings, while setting out the issue clearly to agree a resolution.

Is a bad smell a health hazard? ›

Exposure to odors could result in health effects ranging from none, to mild discomfort, to more serious symptoms. Some chemicals with strong odors may cause eye, nose, throat or lung irritation. Strong odors may cause some people to feel a burning sensation that leads to coughing, wheezing or other breathing problems.

Can you complain about smell from neighbours? ›

So, if the reasonable first approach doesn't work, then file a complaint. With odors that may indicate an emergency situation, like the odor of natural gas, place a call to the local police. For other nuisance odors contact your local zoning or code enforcement agency.

How do you compensate for loss of smell? ›

To reawaken the olfactory nerves, most specialists recommend smell training, a daily routine of sniffing essential oils such as lemon, eucalyptus, cloves, rose, and others.

Is no sense of smell a disability? ›

Our knowledge of the sense of smell lags behind other senses such as vision and hearing. This limits our ability to understand what happens when things go wrong and thus to develop effective treatments. Anosmia is an invisible and underappreciated disability.

Can smell be used as evidence? ›

Scent evidence is valuable because it can establish probable cause for arrest or provide positive identification in some cases. Human scent, like fingerprints, is unique to each individual and cannot be masked. Scent discriminating dogs can detect sweat, oils, gases, and shed skin cells.

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.